01 Mar


Corkscrew Pushup

How to Master the Art of Corkscrew Pushup ? 

     -> Body Posture 

     -> Technique

Muscle Group it Works on?

Benefits of Corkscrew Pushup

A pushup is a humble exercise and by far the perfect exercise for your body. Adding pushup to your fitness routine can have enormous benefits. You not only promote muscle growth in your shoulders, triceps and chest but if pushups are executed accurately with the spine alignment, it can also help you to improve strength and endurance in your body. The pushup is one of those exercises that can help you prevent injury and can even make your body less prone to injury. In other words, pushups can protect your body from injuries. There is an endless number of push-up variations available, which can assist you to train your body from different angles as compared to the previous variation you tried. One such variation of regular pushup is corkscrew pushup. It is known to have its origin from the United States of America and has become popular in the recent past.

Corkscrew Pushup

The corkscrew pushup goes beyond the typical engagement than what regular pushups have to offer. This variation not only works on the entire upper body muscle group but also includes the calves, core and quads. It is a challenging pushup variation that requires a lot of practice, endurance and patience to be perfected.

The killer pushup style, activates the whole body and upper body muscles, just like when you do a regular pushup style. This exercise can be highly exhausting, thus making it important for you, to keep yourself hydrated.

In this post, we will discuss the technique involved in mastering the art of corkscrew pushup, muscles group that this exercise works, the benefits of the corkscrew pushup, breathing patter involved in this exercise, the level of difficulty and its comparison to other pushup variations.

How to Master the Art of Corkscrew Pushup ?

Body Posture
Before going ahead and discussing the technique involved in a corkscrew pushup, let us see the body positioning involved in this variation of the exercise. Following are the step to allow yourself to maintain and form the correct body position.

1. Start by getting into the regular pushup position. This position is often referred to as the high plank position.

2. Next, walk your feet a little towards the hands, such that your knees are bent roughly at a 90-degree angle.

3. Also, make sure that the hips are positioned a little higher than the position of your head. Do not flare your back during the motion.


Once you have the correct positioning of the body, technique comes next. Positioning and technique must go hand in hand, to be able to perform the correct set of movements. Following are the step involved in executing corkscrew pushup correctly.
1. The body movement involved in this variation is where things get a little tricky. As you bend your elbows, lower the left side of the body close to the floor, by rotating the side of your body.

2. This rotation or the motion of the body is known as corkscrew motion. Try to hold the body in the same position for a second or two.

3. Now rotate the body on the other side of the floor and again maintain the position for a few seconds, before returning back to the starting position.

4. This set of movement complete one repetition. Perform as many reps as possible with the correct form and technique.

You won’t be able to perform a large of reps at first. Though keep increasing the number with an extra set that you perform gradually. Ensure that your feet do not touch the floor during the corkscrew motion. Since the rotation is sideways and your legs are close with the hands, it becomes quite a possibility.

So avoid your legs getting in touch with the floor for proper execution of the movements. This will allow the body to get more flexible and achieve better balancing skills. The movements involved in this exercise can be strenuous, but the body gets adapted to it, with more and more practice.

Muscle Group it Works on?

The Corkscrew pushup variation works on the lower body and upper body at the same time. It works on the legs, arms and abdominal muscles together. It is a full body workout that increases the flexibility in your hip flexors and hamstrings. In addition to the chest, shoulders and triceps, corkscrew pushup also pulls in the muscles of quads, core and calves. 스포츠토토 Thus making it a full body workout routine. Since this exercise helps to attain better flexibility and balance abilities, it can prove to be really handy during the old age, and will certainly make the body less prone to injuries.

Benefits of Corkscrew Pushup

By adding this variation of the exercise in your fitness routine, you allow yourself to burn the unwanted fat quickly and ultimately helping you to tone your body shape. Because of the rotating motion involved in the exercise, it increases the flexibility in your hip flexors and hamstrings. It also tones your cardiovascular system by delivering oxygen-rich blood tissues to different muscle group. At the same time, it builds endurance in the body and enhances body posture by building strong muscle group.

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